Top 5 Safest Crypto Wallets to Keep Your Cryptocurrency Secure In 2022

Top 5 Safest Crypto Wallets to Keep Your Cryptocurrency Secure In 2022


The bad news is that there are hundreds of different crypto wallets on the market. They all claim to be the safest options, even though many of them are far from it.

The good news? There are those that stand out from the rest. They have robust security features that make them the best choice for keeping your crypto safe.

In this article, we are going to look at the safest crypto wallets of 2022. We’ll go over what makes them stand out and why you should consider using them to store your digital assets.

Tezro Wallet

Type: Software (Mobile & Desktop)

Cost: Free

Benefits and Features

Tezro is the safest crypto wallet app in 2022. It is available on iOS and Android devices, and it is free to download. It has a user-friendly interface and it is very easy to use.

The wallet supports multiple cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Dogecoin, and more. It also provides users with a built-in exchange that allows them to easily exchange their cryptocurrencies.

It is a Hierarchical Deterministic wallet which means that it generates a new address for each transaction. This makes it impossible for hackers to track your transactions.

Tezro also offers two-factor authentication, which adds an extra layer of security to your account. This means that for someone to access your account, they would need your password and a code sent to your phone.

This wallet also uses military-grade encryption software to protect your data. Encryption means that your data is turned into a code that can only be decrypted by authorized users.

The encryption technology used by Tezro is too powerful for even the most powerful computers to break. Therefore, even if a data breach were to occur, the hackers would not be able to decrypt your data.

New methods of attack are constantly being developed, but Tezro is always one step ahead. They regularly update their security measures to ensure that their users’ data is always safe.


  • Privacy: Tezro takes your privacy very seriously. They do not collect any personally identifiable information about their users.
  • Anonymity: Tezro ensures that your transactions are completely anonymous. They do not require much personal information from you to create an account.
  • Security: As mentioned above, Tezro uses military-grade encryption to protect your data. They also have a strict policy when it comes to handling user data.
  • Support: Tezro has a dedicated support team that is available 24/seven to help you with any issues you may have.
  • User-friendly: The Tezro wallet is very easy to use, even for first-time users. This is because it has an intuitive interface and it is very easy to navigate.

Inclusivity: Tezro is a wallet for everyone. It supports multiple languages. Regardless of the country you are from, you will be able to use this wallet.

Resourcefulness: Tezro is not just a wallet. It is a one-stop solution for all your crypto needs. It has a robust blog section that covers a wide range of topics.


Type: Software (Desktop & Mobile)

Cost: Free

Benefits and Features

Exodus is one of the safest crypto wallets in the market today. This software-based wallet is non-custodial, meaning that you, and only you have access to your private keys.

Exodus offers many security features such as Two-factor authentication (via Authy or Google Authenticator) and email encryption. These features ensure that your account is well protected against hacks and malware.

In addition, Exodus is a Hierarchical Deterministic wallet. This means that your private keys are generated from a seed phrase. Therefore, it is very difficult for someone to guess them and steal your assets.


  • Privacy: Exodus encrypts your private keys and stores them on your device. This means that only you have access to your funds.
  • Security: Exodus offers several security features such as two-factor authentication and email encryption.
  • Ease of Use: This is a lite wallet, meaning that it doesn’t download the entire blockchain. This makes it very easy to use.
  • User Interface: The Exodus user interface is very user-friendly and intuitive.
  • Built-in Portfolio and Trade Functions: You can see your portfolio in real-time and make trades directly from the Exodus wallet.
  • Supported Assets: Exodus supports over 100 cryptocurrencies.

ShapeShift Integration: This feature allows you to easily exchange one cryptocurrency for another without having to create a new wallet. It enhances anonymity and privacy.


Type: Desktop

Price: Free

Wasabi is a desktop wallet that’s available for Windows, Linux, and macOS. It’s open-source software that is audited and approved by security experts. Wasabi uses the CoinJoin technique to mix your coins with other users’ coins, making it very difficult for someone to track your transactions.

What makes it the safest wallet for cryptocurrency is that it has built-in Tor support, so your IP address is always hidden. It works by connecting you to the Tor network, which is a group of volunteer-operated servers that helps conceal your identity. This makes it extremely difficult for anyone to trace transactions back to you.

One of the Wasabi’s signature security features is its zero-knowledge proofs. The wallet uses zero-knowledge snarks to prove that a transaction has taken place without revealing any information about the sender, receiver, or amount. This makes Wasabi one of the most private crypto wallets available.

It uses BIP 44 to generate new addresses for each transaction, so your identity is always protected. The wallet also uses two-factor authentication to add an extra layer of security to your account.

Overall, Wasabi is a very secure and private desktop wallet that’s perfect for people who are looking to keep their crypto holdings safe from prying eyes.


  • Coinjoin-enabled: This is a mechanism that makes it close to impossible for observers to know which inputs corresponded to which outputs. This is the primary reason why Wasabi is considered a highly secure wallet.
  • Zero-knowledge proof: This allows you to prove that a transaction has taken place without revealing any information about the sender, receiver, or amount.
  • Free and open-source: Wasabi is available for free and its codebase is open to the public, allowing anyone to audit it.

Tor integration for enhanced privacy: By connecting you to the Tor network, Wasabi protects your identity and makes it very difficult for anyone to trace transactions back to you.

Coinbase Wallet

Type: Mobile, Chrome Extension

Price: Free

Coinbase is one of the most popular cryptocurrency exchanges and allows you to buy, sell, and store your coins on their platform.

The Coinbase Wallet is a separate product from the exchange and allows you to store your coins in a secure wallet on your phone or desktop. The wallet has built-in support for 44,000+ cryptocurrencies and it is considered one of the safest crypto wallets in 2022.

The Coinbase Wallet is a great option for those looking for a secure place to store their coins. It is a non-custodial wallet, meaning that you control your private keys and no one else has access to them. This simply means that even if Coinbase were to shut down or their servers were compromised, you would still have access to your coins.

Encryption is another layer of security that the Coinbase Wallet offers. All data is encrypted on your device before it is sent to Coinbase’s servers. This means that even if someone were to hack into their servers, they would not be able to access your data or coins.

This is the safest crypto wallet app that puts emphasis on privacy and anonymity. It does not require users to provide their real names or any personal information. You don’t need an email address or phone number to sign up for a Coinbase Wallet.

The only thing you need to provide is a username, password, and recovery phrase. The recovery phrase is used to recover your coins if you lose access to your wallet. It is important to store this phrase in a safe place as it can be used by anyone who has it to gain access to your coins.


  • Privacy: Privacy and anonymity are two of the most important features of any wallet. Coinbase Wallet does not require any personal information to sign up.
  • Security: Coinbase Wallet is decentralized, meaning you control your private keys. It also uses encryption to secure your data and offers a recovery phrase in case you lose access to your wallet.
  • Ease of Use: This wallet is easy to use and can be accessed on your mobile phone or desktop.

Guarda Wallet

Type: Multi-platform (Chrome Extension, Web, Software, Mobile)

Price: Free

Guarda is a non-custodial cryptocurrency wallet that provides security and ease of use in one package. Guarda is available for desktop, mobile, and web. It has been around since 2017 and is one of the most popular non-custodial wallets in the space.

Supporting over 400,000 crypto assets, there is no wonder Guarda is the most secure cryptocurrency wallet. Being non-custodial means that you are the only one who has access to your private keys. This also means that even the platform cannot take your crypto away from you or block your account.

You don’t need to enter personal information to create a Guarda wallet. This not only makes it more secure but also means that you can remain anonymous if you choose to.

You can set a password or pin for additional security. Also, this wallet supports Ledger Nano S, which means you can store backup files and private keys offline.

Guarda supports two-factor authentication (via Google Authenticator) and a host of other features to keep your account secure. Overall, Guarda is a great choice for those looking for a non-custodial wallet that is both easy to use and secure.


  • Encryption: Guarda uses AES-256 bit encryption to secure your data.
  • Multi-Platform: Guarda is available on Desktop, Mobile, and Web.
  • Non-Custodial: You are the only one with access to your private keys.
  • Anonymity: You can create a wallet without entering personal information.
  • Supported by Ledger Nano S: You can store your backup files and private keys offline.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are Crypto Wallet Apps Safe?

Yes, the crypto wallet apps outlined in this article are safe if you download them from a trusted source and take extra security measures. For example, always use a strong password and two-factor authentication.

What Is The Most Secure Cryptocurrency Wallet In 2022?

From the list outlined above, all of the wallets are safe and secure. It all narrows down to what type of wallet you need and what cryptocurrencies you will be using. Make sure to test out a few wallets before settling on one.

What Is The Best Way To Store Cryptocurrency?

The best way to store cryptocurrency is by using a hardware wallet like the Ledger Nano X or Trezor Model T. These devices are offline and secure your private keys with multiple layers of security.

What Is The Most Secure Crypto Wallet For Beginners?

Basically, all the safest crypto wallets are good for beginners. They have user-friendly interfaces and don’t require you to be a tech expert to use them. However, Tezro is the most recommended for beginners. It has a clean interface and simple setup process.

What is the safest crypto wallet for iPhone and iOS?

Tezro, Coinbase, Guarda, and Exodus are all safe and secure wallets for iPhone and iOS devices. They all have strong security features, like two-factor authentication and passcodes.

What Is The Safest Crypto Wallet For Android?

Tezro, Coinbase, Guarda, and Exodus are all certified by Play Protect and have strong security features like two-factor authentication. They also use military-grade encryption, meaning your data cannot be breached.


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