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Vitalik Buterin’s Mom Explains What You Need to Find Success in Crypto

Vitalik Buterin’s Mom Explains What You Need to Find Success in Crypto

Crypto NewsEthereum

The mother of Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin has offered advice for people looking to succeed in the crypto industry. 

During an interview with CoinDesk, Buterin’s mother Natalia Ameline gave her opinion on the crypto industry and the best way for succeeding.

In July 2017, Ameline co-founded Crypto Chicks, a startup that tries to empower women in Web3. And last October, she joined Metis, which is developing a Ethereum layer 2 platform based on optimistic rollups. She works there as the manager of Genesi DAC, which is a “decentralized autonomous company” that uses a $100 million fund to help projects that join the Metis ecosystem.

Ameline told CoinDesk her goal is to be “part of something great,” by which she means “being a part of a DAO and investment collective working to expand the Ethereum ecosystem.”

Buterin’s mother also gave CoinDesk her recipe for finding success in the crypto space:

I would say that you need to have a lot of perseverance and a lot of patience. If you got into crypto as an investment, you really need to be able to kind of stick with it. I see a mistake a lot of people are making: They will invest and when the market turns the wrong way they get out, sometimes at a loss. And they never want to go back anymore because they got burned. It’s painful.

I think with anything in life, in order to succeed you really need to study it. And you need to stick around and persevere despite your experiences. So you do need a lot of patience. And you do need to be able to say right now is a bear market, but we’ll just keep working. We’ll keep focusing and we will get there.

I think people should not be afraid to try new things. It’s hard to make a jump and go into the unknown. My suggestion would be to try as many things as you can. I think when you grow older, the only experiences that you remember [should not be] how you sit in the office and [at] the same desk for the last 40 years.

She highlighted perseverance and patience as two qualities paramount to Vitalik’s success.

When asked if crypto could change how we work, she replied:

Crypto is already providing alternatives. Traditional fundraising is very different from what’s in crypto. Back in 2017, there were a lot of ICOs (initial coin offerings) that were put up. We’re raising money now for communities on distributed platforms. Crypto democratizes access to money. Instead of getting it from one fund, you really can run a global fundraiser, it simplifies the way you can do it.

I think it democratizes the labor market, too. Right now, you don’t need to work in a certain country to do a certain type of job in crypto. As long as they qualify to do the work, nothing prevents you from getting employed. Also, you don’t need to wire money through the complex bank account system. You can do it pretty fast. You can transfer it from one country to the next without any issues, which is convenient for companies.

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Featured Image by Peter Patel from Pixabay

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