KingBNB Contract Audit By Codeum

Disclaimer: This report does not indicate the participation of codeum in the project. The report only applies to the contract address mentioned and is meant to be used only for the specified project.

Project Info

Overall Description:

The KINGBNB is an ROI Smart Contract that pays from 10% to 14% daily on investment. There are 3 locked plans in KINGBNB smart contract. 

Plan Daily ROI1 Days Auto Compound Withdraw Condition
1 10% 7 Yes End of Plan2
2 12% 14 Yes End of Plan
3 14% 28 Yes End of Plan
  1. Daily ROI will increase by 0.5% every day after the launch.
  2. At the end of the plan, the user needs to invest again and have an active deposit plan(equivalent to the initial investment) to be able to withdraw. Dividends are available for withdrawal after the deposit is finished time based on plans.
  3.  Withdraw fee (15%) will be deducted from the withdrawable amount and remains in the contract.
  4. Minimum investment is 0.1 BNB

Referral Program

The KINGBNB smart contract pays up to 6% bonus from referrals in 3 levels.

  • Level 1: 3%
  • Level 2: 2%
  • Level 3: 1%

Owner Fee

8% project fee + 2% developer fee

NOTE: The system used is called ROI and it is considered HIGH-RISK. The system will pay dividends from deposits of other users. Users can get dividends and referral commission. Do always invest with proper knowledge and investigation.

Under the “Write Contract” tab, users can perform functions written in the solidity smart contract. An example of a function written in the smart contact is the “Deposit” or “Invest” function. To get overall information about contract users can use “ReadContract” tab.

Write Contract:

The KINGBNB smart contract has only 4 write functions. These functions are:

1. getUserDividends

This function is to calculate user dividends and usually is “public view” function.

2. invest

Deposit(invest) in the contract

Depositing (investing) into the smart contract. Can also use a referral link.

3. launch

Contract Launch function

4. withdraw

Withdraw from the contract

Withdrawing dividends from the contract

Read Contract:

KINGBNB smart-contract has 28 read functions. With these functions, website/users can get contract data.

1. DEVELOPER_FEE: Showing developer’s fee of the project, which is 2%

2. INVEST_MIN_AMOUNT: Minimum Invest is 0.1 BNB

3. MAX_HOLD_PERCENT: Max Hold Percent is 1.5%


5. PERCENT_STEP: 5(0.5%)

6. PROJECT_FEE: Showing project fee, which is 8%

7. REFERRAL_PERCENTS: Showing referral percentage [3%, 2%, 1%]

8. TIME_STEP: 1 Day

9. getContractBalance: Showing contract balance

10. getContractInfo: Showing total invested, total referral reward and total users.

11. getPercent: Showing current plan percentage[0, 1, 2]

12. getPlanInfo: Get basic plans information [0, 1, 2]

13. getResult: Profit calculation based on the current percentage[ use 0, 1, 2 for plans]

14. getUserAmountOfDeposits: Number of deposits by an address

15. getUserAvailable: Available amount for withdraw

16. getUserCheckpoint: Get user’s action(invest/withdraw) time[ showing by block.timestamp]

17. getUserDepositInfo: Getting deposit info of an address

18. getUserDownlineCount: Number of referrals by an address

19. getUserPercentRate: Users hold bonus percentage

20. getUserReferralTotalBonus: User’s total referral bonus amount

21. getUserReferrer: Referrer of an address

22. getUserTotalDeposits: Total deposits by an address

23. getUserTotalWithdrawn: Empty function

24. getUserWithdrawn: Total withdrawn by an address

25. startUNIX: Contract launch time

26. totalRefBonus: Total referral bonus paid by the contract

27. totalStaked: Total BNB deposited to the contract

28. totalUsers: Total deposited addresses

Codeum Score

Codeum score


In the KINGBNB Smart-Contract were found no vulnerabilities and no backdoors. The code was manually reviewed for all commonly known and more specific vulnerabilities.

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  • March 29, 2022