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$ADA: Fashion Firm Is Using Cardano NFTs for Proving a Garment’s Provenance

$ADA: Fashion Firm Is Using Cardano NFTs for Proving a Garment’s Provenance


Origin Thread, a new sustainable fashion brand, is using the Cardano blockchain to tokenise every garment it makes so that customers can easily trace a garment’s provenance “from cotton field to cutting table.”

On June 7, the fashion firm published a blog post to announce that it was “launching the world’s first NFT connected clothing collection on the Cardano blockchain and that “every item of clothing” they sell will “be tokenised and represented by an NFT.” The blog post went on to say that they are using these NFTs to “store fully transparent sourcing information, prove scarcity and authenticity” of their shirts and to “link to unique media telling the story of the shirt’s creation.”

The blog post also mentioned:

The NFT that accompany our first range of shirts will link to invoices from every supplier in our value chain. Our customers will be able to see exactly who has made our clothes and how much they have been paid. The invoices to our suppliers will be pinned to IPFS making the information fully public and unable to be withdrawn by Origin Thread. We’ll have to stand by all of our sourcing decisions.

Then, on June 10, they published another blog post to explain how their NFT to shirt connection works, how to view and share their NFTs, and what information will be stored on each NFT. They mentioned that “each shirt contains a unique identifier tag sewn on the bottom of the inside placket and this identifier tag “uses a QR code and NFC tag.”

Here is the first garment Origin Thread has created with the help of the Cardano blockchain:

This shirt, which is made of organic cotton, costs $200 (to be paid in $ADA via NMKR Pay), and it comes in a limited edition of 60.

Here is what you will see if you try to use “pool/pm” to view the NFT associated with the first BAGRU shirt made by Origin Thread:

Of course, you can also use Cardano NFT Explorer:

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